Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Turkey kabob koubideh

If you know me well, and have been to my parents' house, you have had my father's kabobs! He makes a lot of different kinds, but one of his best is kabob koubideh, which is a Persian kabob made with ground meet grilled on flat skewers over a fire!
Now, me living in New York City means I have no grill and no place to store skewers, but I still love my kabobs. So after talking to my dad he taught me how to make a similar kabob in my oven using a cookie sheet.

What you need:
Lean ground meat (turkey, beef or chicken)
Onions (1 for each pound of meet)
Chili powder
Egg yolks

In a food processor grind the onions to a fine pulp. In a large mixing bowl, mix the ground meat and the onion pulp, add turmeric, salt, pepper, paprika and chili powder to taste. Then for each pound of meat add to egg yolks and mix everything together with your hands, really working everything into the meat. You can also add in other spices, my mother adds in saffron, I have added spiracha, and you can try minced fresh herbs.
After thoroughly mixing the meat, pulse the whole mixture in the food processor for about 10 seconds, you don't want it to be too fine, just really well mixed.
Then press out the meat into a half inch layer on a nonstick cookie sheet.
Place the sheet in the top rack of your oven and broil on high for about 10 minutes. After ten minutes, take the sheet out of the oven, cut the meat into 1 inch wide strips, space them out and flip each one over and broil again for about 10 minutes.

You can serve it with pita bread, rice, salad, or whatever you like.

Also featured in this picture is kabob joujeh ostkhan, which may make a recipe appearance on this blog soon!

Also FYI... this winter I will be focusing on making Persian and Indian food, so look out for those recipes!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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